Thursday, October 25, 2012

October = Dry Land Training. Photos by Barb Redington

October is the time of year that dry land training takes place. The dogs get "legged up" so to speak at this time. The four wheelers we use have 5 gears and the dogs literally pull the four wheeler along. We help them out by using a little throttle going up the steep hills and of course lots of brake going down.
 Here is young Ben Harper, my training partner, taking the lead up one of the steep hills. Ben is training for the Jr Iditarod. Last year he placed third. This year he has his sights on the big WIN. Go Ben !!!!
I love this photo because of the Joe Redington Trail road sign. Joe Sr. started the Iditarod in 1972 to promote the lifestyle and sport of mushing. He felt the way of life of mushing was being lost with the introduction of snow mobiles. So he started the race as a way of keeping the sport alive. If he could see it all now, he would be so proud. I know his family certainly is !

This big puddle is a welcome sight for the dogs. It is a chance for them to cool off and get a drink during a long hard run. However, this darn puddle has posed many a mushing snarl for me as sometimes the dogs just want to set up camp in the water. Gangline, tug and necklines get tangled as the dogs twist and spin and make a huge snarl. It takes only seconds to create this mess and many minutes to untangle, make some semblance of order and head on back up the trail !

In these photos, Brother and General are leading, followed by Sioux, Left Eye, Benny, Cosmo, Patsy, Copper, Patton, Stonewall, Socks, and Felix are building muscles, getting ready for the long winter runs.

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